Closed Portland Rescue Mission Hot meal and Pet food. Portland 503-906-7690 Sunday 12:00pm until food is given out Meals
Open Parkrose Community Kitchen Lunch to-go every Mon., Wed., and Fri. Portland 73, 77 503-253-5457 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m Meals
Closed Operation Nightwatch Sandwiches and coffee. Drop-in. Portland 6, MAX, Streetcar 503-220-0438 7 p.m.- 10 p.m. Thurs - Sat Meals
Closed Grace Memorial Episcopal Church Sack Lunches. One per person, once a week. Portland 8, 9, 73, 77, MAX 503-287-0418 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tues.-Thurs. Meals
Closed First Baptist Church Take-away meals and food pantry. Portland 15, 51; MAX Red, Blue; Streetcar 503-228-7465 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Mon & Thurs. Meals
Closed Cityteam Portland Meals to-go serving men, women and children. Portland 6 503-231-9334 Breakfast: 7:00 a.m. Mon.-Sun. Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Meals
Open Blanchet House of Hospitality Free hot meals. No questions asked. Portland 4, 8, 35, 44, 77, MAX 503-241-4340 6:30-7:30 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. (lunch; sack lunches on Saturday), 5-6 p.m. (dinner) Mon.-Sat. Meals
Closed All Saints Episcopal Church Hot meals to go. Portland 19, 75 503-777-3829 11:30 a.m. Sat., Food Pantry Fri. and Sat. 12 - 2 p.m Meals